Katherine Wright

       Pianist  •  Organist  •  Composer

Unless a publisher is indicated, the scores below may be downloaded for free and copied for non-commercial use. ​All other rights reserved, including the creation of derivative works. Many of these pieces have been recognized in the annual Church Music Submission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See a list of awards here.

Mixed Choir

A Carol to the King                                                Video      MP3     

SATB, piano

Choir parts only

Behold the Great Redeemer Die                                        MP3      

Organ part only
Child in a Manger                                                  Video      MP3

SATB, C instrument, piano

SATB, piano

SATB choir parts only

C instrument part only

Viola part only

Cello part only

Come Unto Jesus​                                                                   MP3

SSATB, organ
Organ part only

The Happy Day At Last Has Come                                      MP3      

SSATB, piano 4-hands

More Holiness Give Me                          Video     Video     MP3     

SATB, piano - Jackman Music

O Lord of Hosts

SATB, piano

Once in Royal David's City                                     Video     MP3

SSAATTBB, piano, opt. organ
SSAATB, piano, opt. organ

SSAATB choir parts only

Organ part only

Peace, Peace, Be Still                                                            Video

SATB, piano

Choir parts only

Secret Prayer

SATB, piano

Choir parts only

Sweet Hour of Prayer                                                            MP3

SATB, violin, piano

Violin part only

That Easter Morn      

SATB, flute, piano

Flute part only

Women's and Men's Choir

He Leadeth Me

SSAA, piano

Immovable and Strong                                                         MP3     

SA, piano

More Holiness Give Me

SSAA, piano​                                  

That Easter Morn                                                                   MP3     

SSAA, flute, piano

Flute part only

Son of Heavenly Father

TB, piano

Vocal Solos and Duets

Child in a Manger                                                    Video      MP3

Vocal solo, piano

Vocal solo, C instrument

Vocal duet, piano

Vocal duet, C instrument

C instrument part only

Viola part only

Cello part only

Every Time I Read                                                                    MP3     

Vocal solo, piano

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me                                                           Video      

Soprano solo, piano

Baritone solo, piano             

Vocal duet, piano

More Holiness Give Me

Vocal solo, piano

Peace, Peace, Be Still                                                             Video     

Vocal solo, piano

Voice part only

Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer                                         Video

Vocal duet, piano


Advent Fantasy                                                                      

Violin, viola, cello, piano

Violin part only

Viola part only

Cello part only

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day                                     Video     

Cello solo, piano                    

Cello part only

Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me

Cello solo, piano

Cello part only

Journey to Bethlehem                                                           Demo

Violin, viola, cello, piano

Violin part only

Viola part only

Cello part only

There is a Green Hill Far Away

Violin solo, piano

Violin part only


Again We Meet Around the Board                        


He Died! The Great Redeemer Died


Holy Places                                                                                                                Video      


In Remembrance of Thy Suffering


Peace, Peace, Be Still


The Promised Hour


Children and Youth

A Word of Wisdom

Children's song

Come, Follow Me

Children's song

I Will Follow Him

Children's song

Love at Home

Children's arrangement (2-part)

Praise to the Man

Children's arrangement (2-part)

Easier key (2-part)

Receive the Holy Ghost

Children's song

Son of Heavenly Father

Boy's song

Young men's song (TB, piano)